Immigration Services

Legal Aid Society of San Mateo/Libre Program 

Provides limited representation with VAWA, U VISA, and SIJS for teens. 

Proporcionan representación limitada con tramites de VAWA, U VISA, y SIJS para Jovenes. 

Call: 650-517-8936

330 Dolphin Drive, Suite 123, RWC, CA 94065

Immigration Institute of the Bay Area

Call: 650-780-7530

600 Allerton Street, Suite 101, RWC, CA 94063

Catholic Charities 

Call: 650-295-2160

36 37th Ave, San Mateo 94403

Community Legal Services of East Palo Alto

Call to request a consultation. Llame para pedir una consulta. 

Call: 650-326-6440

1861 Bay Rd. East Palo Alto 94303

Saint Francis Center 

Call: 650-365-7829

151 Buckingham Avenue, RWC 94063