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February - Virtual Info Session 2020-21

We gladly continue to accept applications for all grades K–8 at any time. Please contact the school for more information. We invite you to join our community of engaged learners. 

Application Process

Connect is a free public school open to any child who lives in California and will turn five before September 1 of the school year. There are no admission tests. We give priority to residents of the Redwood City School District. Please fill out the interest form on our homepage.

PLEASE NOTE: The enrollment process for Connect is separate from that of the Redwood City School District. You can find information about the district's process on the district's site.

Enrollment Priorities

Students currently enrolled at Connect are automatically offered a place in the next grade.  We then fill available spaces in this order:

Timeline: Open Enrollment for the 2024-25 School Year

If you have questions about the enrollment process, you can reach us at or call the office at (650) 482 2426.

Charter schools are not allowed to discourage or prevent a pupil from enrolling or seeking to enroll in a charter school based on a student's disabilities, academic performance, English learner status, living or financial situation, or based on nationality, race, ethnicity, or sexual orientation. Please find our complaint form attached for cases of violation of Education Code (EC)Section 47605(d)(4).